If you are hosting a picnic to celebrate a special occasion we recommend you send an invitation that give your guests a heads up about what kind of event they will be attending. A luxury picnic is an amazing experience, but your guests won't fully enjoy it if they are caught completely off guard. To ensure everyone has a fantastic time be sure to include a dress code in your invitation that encourages guests to wear something suitable for a picnic. Here are some wording ideas to consider:
Want to be upfront with your guests? Just say...
"We are celebrating with a luxury picnic on the lawn. Seating includes blankets and pillows. We encourage flat shoes and loose clothing that make you feel amazing."
Want to surprise your guests and not give too much away? Just say...
"We are celebrating in a unique outdoor setting. To enjoy the experience we encourage flat shoes and loose clothing that make you feel amazing."
Also, you will definitely want to consider whether or not your guests have physical limitations that will prevent them from getting down on the ground and getting back up. As a solution, Picnik Society has "sit high" and "rest your back" add ons so that your guests will have a variety of seating options to choose from.

Photo by Oksana Berko